How to install Mathematica stand-alone, single machine on your laptop / PC: 0) Go to the wepage Register as a user if necessary. 1) Login to the portal to ask for a activation key by selecting platform ('Windows' or 'Linux'). Activation key will be generated on the screen and sent to your email. 2) This is an optional step, required only if you want to do a stand alone installation without going through online activation. Go to for password generator. A password generator will generate a password upon providing the activation key and MathID. The MathID could be obtained on the mathematica screen during installion. The activation key and password will be required when installaling mathlm. Example: Activation key: 3238-9528-Q4VY97 MathID: 6521-88739-01032 Password: 9597-718-309:100,100,400,400:9:20120131:CB 6) Copy the activation key (and optionally, the password of you want to activate off-line). You can activate your mathematica copy on your PC with these info. For network license activation within USM School of Physics, use either of the following servers IP : IP : Other MathLM servers in USM are: Server1 IP : (Math School) Server2 IP : (Math School) These servers are potentially not stable, hence not preffered. ### IMPORTANT ################## ### In case a copy of Mathematica installed with USM network license can't find the network licence that is supposedly installed in a mathlm server (e.g. or, etc.), the administrator of the mathlm server has to activate the Mathematica network licence manager manually by issue the following command line (as superuser) in the relevant server: ### This case occasionally happens when electric blackout occurs or the server restarts # /usr/local/Wolfram/MathLM/mathlm -logfile filename