Gaussian 09 Installation (Assuming in Rocks 5.3/5.4) ==================================================== For more detail on Gaussian09, see URL Using root account create a user guser, set its password and su to the created account adduser guser passwd guser su - guser Using root account create a new group "g09group" groupadd g09group Using root account add the user guser to existing group g09group usermod -a -G g09group guser Using root account change the user guser ssh environment. Replace the last string from bash to csh in file /etc/passwd as example below. The ? shows the sequence number of user or group creation in operating system. From guser:x:5??:1??::/home/guser:/bin/bash To guser:x:5??:1??::/home/guser:/bin/csh Using guser account create a file .cshrc at its root directory (/home/guser) with following lines. if (! -e /state/partition1/$USER) mkdir /state/partition1/$USER setenv GAUSS_SCRDIR /state/partition1/$USER setenv g09root /share/apps source $g09root/g09/bsd/g09.login Using root account uncompress the zipped Gaussian09 file to directory /share/apps/g09 Run the g09 using user guser