#! /bin/bash ## this scrip installs intel mpi version in /share/apps/intel of a Rocks cluster. It must exceted as su. ## As a prerequsite, a temporary licence must be obtained. As 19 Jul 2015, a free trial licence can be obtained by visiting https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-mpi-library to register for IntelĀ® Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition for Linux 30 days free trial version. A temporary licence files will be e-mailed to you, along with an activiation code, e.g., V897-4ZZGG755. Use this activation code for installation. cd /share/apps/configrepo wget http://www2.fizik.usm.my/configrepo/howto/intel/l_mpi_p_4.1.0.024.tgz tar -zxvf l_mpi_p_4.1.0.024.tgz cd l_mpi_p_4.1.0.024 ./install.sh # At the prompt # Step no: 4 of 6 | Options #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #You are now ready to begin installation. You can use all default installation settings by simply choosing the "Start installation Now" option or you can customize these settings by selecting any of the change options given below first. You can view a summary of the settings by selecting # 1. Start installation Now # 2. Change install directory [ /opt/intel/impi/ ] # 3. Change advanced options [ Current node ] # 4. Show pre-install summary # # Type selection 2. Change install directory to set the installation directory to # /share/apps/intel/impi/ ## Then type '1' for 'Start installation Now'. Answer yes to all prompts that follow. # impi is not to be used as the default mpi library. If a $USER wishes to use impi lib and its executable, he has to type the following line in the terminal, # sh /share/apps/intel/impi/ intel64 # Alternatively, if $USER wishes to permanantly make impi as the default mpi, he has to add the line in his/her ~/.bashrc file.