


Research Activities




Personal Information


Surname                :       Soon

Given Name           :      Yee Yeen

Date of Birth          :      26th October 1990

Nationality            :      Malaysian

Telephone              :      +60-4-6533660
Email                     :

Institute Address   :      Theory Laboratory, School of Physics,

                                                                Universiti Sains Malaysia, 11800 Penang, Malaysia.





2014 – Present            :        Master of Science in Computational Condensed Matter Physics,      

                                                 Universiti Sains Malaysia.

2010 – 2013                :        Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physics, Universiti Sains Malaysia.

2008 – 2009                :        Sixth form of secondary education (Pre-university programme),

                                                 SMJK Chung Ling, Penang, Malaysia.



Awards and Scholarships


2014 – Present            :        MyBrainSc Scholarship, by Ministry of Education Malaysia.

2012/2013                  :        Dean’s list award for semesters 1 & 2 (CGPA ≥ 3.67)

2011/2012                  :        Dean’s list award for semesters 1 & 2 (CGPA ≥ 3.67)

2010 – 2013                :        Biasiswa Khas Tenaga Akademik IPTA, by Ministry of Education Malaysia.

2009                              :        Malaysian National Chemistry Quiz with Merit certificate



Research Interests


Studies of various properties of nanoparticles. These include the structural, thermal, electronic and magnetic properties of pure metallic nanoclusters and nanoalloys. The main goal is to understand the mechanism of the melting and magnetism of nanoparticles, as well as their applications to the industries.



Undergraduate Projects


Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Finite Size Graphene using LAMMPS

-  To study the thermal properties of finite size grapheme and to determine the melting points of graphene in various sizes.


Final Year Project

Molecular Dynamics Simulation Phase Coexistence Curve and Properties of Lennard-Jones Fluid

-   Supervisor: Dr. Yoon Tiem Leong

-  This project evaluated the methods to investigate the phase transition and properties of Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluid. The system investigated in this work is simulated by using temperature-quench molecular dynamics (TQMD) to study its phase transition. The properties of LJ fluid is then studied by investigating the relationship between various state parameters.



Graduate Projects


Structural, Thermal and Magnetic Properties of Rhodium Clusters

-    The 4d-element Rhodium (Rh) is non-magnetic in the bulk form but it becomes magnetic in the form of a nanoscale-cluster. The ground-state configuration of nanocluster is the origin of the size-dependence of its electronic and chemical properties, including the magnetic property. Once the ground-state structure of a given cluster is known, the thermal properties of the cluster can be investigated via molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, while the magnetic property can be determined via first-principle density functional theory (DFT).





1.    PERFIK National Physics Conference 2014

 Venue    :     Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

 Date      :     18th – 19th November 2014



List of Publications


1. Yee Yeen Soon, Thong Leng Lim and Tiem Leong Yoon. “Structural Properties of Small Rhodium Clusters”, PERFIK National Physics Conference (2014). Venue: Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


2. Yee Yeen Soon, Thong Leng Lim and Tiem Leong Yoon. “Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Small Rhodium Clusters”, PERFIK National Physics Conference (2014). Venue: Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


3.  Soon Yee Yeen. “Molecular Dynamics Simulation Phase Coexistence Curve and Properties of Lennard-Jones Fluid”, B. Sc. Thesis (2013).