

Competition rules

1. 报名费必需连同报名表格在截止日期之前呈上, 所缴的报名费不可退还。

The registration fee must be submitted together with the registration form before the deadline. Fee paid is non-refundable.

2. 所有已完成的报名都不可转让。

All completed registrations are not transferable.

3. 所有参赛学生可用铅笔或原子笔作答。

All participating students can answer with pencil or ball pen.

4. 所有心算参赛学生只可携带算盘入场, 其他计算工具不得带进。

The only calculation tool allowed for the mental arithmetic competition is the abacus.

5. 迟到者将视为失去参赛资格。

Late arrivals will be disqualified.

6. 如查获虚报年龄或个人资料者,本主办单位将保留追究权力。

The organizer reserves the rights to further investigate the case of participants caught for false report of age or any particulars.

7. 心算的答案如千位以上, 必须要写成1,000 方为正确。例如答案是1234, 需写成 1,234

In the arithmetic competition, answers that involve numbers larger than one thousand must be written in the form of 1,000. For example, if the answer is 1234, it has to be written as 1,234.

8. 如发生任何不愉快的事情,主办当局将不负起任何责任。

The organizer will not be held liable for any unpleasant incidents.

9. 参赛学生年龄只限于18岁或以下。

The age of the participant is limited to 18 years of age or below.

10. 对以上的所有细则条规,本主办单位拥有绝对权力加以修改。

The organizer reserves the absolute right to amend the rules and regulations.

11. 比赛结果最终决定权在于裁判团,裁判团确定事项不再有任何变动。

The jury reserves the rights for final decisions on the competition outcome. There will be no further changes on any final decisions made by the jury.

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